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Faculty Global Health Impact Grant

Application Cycle Closed

The MUSC Center for Global Health supports faculty from across all six colleges of MUSC, leveraging expertise from multiple disciplines in pursuit of solutions to global health challenges that can positively impact communities in low- and middle-income settings.

This grant mechanism provides up to $8,000 in support to MUSC faculty for non-research projects, including, but not limited to education and training, capacity-building, service, or implementation projects. Priority will be given to developing long-term partnerships for projects that will have long-term outcomes and high impact. Proposals must be for activities in low-and middle-income countries. A listing of eligible countries can be found at the World Bank. For research projects, please apply to the Center for Global Health Faculty Research Pilot Grant.

  • Provide faculty working in global health with funding for exploratory work or newly established projects that are poised to advance the Center for Global Health’s overall mission.
  • Foster collaborations and facilitate connections across the MUSC community and global partners.
  • Advance projects and activities that are co-designed between MUSC faculty and their global partners.
  • Catalyze ideas and collaborations that could lead to more substantial project proposals.


  • The lead MUSC faculty applicant must have primary faculty appointment at MUSC and must be an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. Those in “visiting” or “adjunct status” are not eligible.
  • Early-career faculty are encouraged to apply.
  • Projects must be co-designed with a global partner.
  • Projects must be for activities in a low- and middle-income country.
  • Only one application can be submitted per faculty lead.
  • Awards cannot be used for faculty salary support or indirect costs.
  • Projects must be completed within 12 months of award.

The most competitive applications will support one or more of the following goals:

  • A new or enhanced global capacity-building, education or training program that will continue beyond the initial seed funding;
  • A collaboration building on an established relationship to encourage new engagements and activities with existing expertise and on-the-ground support;
  • Creation of a model for global education, service, or capacity-building that can be replicated by other departments or colleges at MUSC;
  • An initiative that supports bi-directional collaboration with a focus on shared and equitable opportunities;
  • Creation of new course or training programs with a global partner (virtual, hybrid or in-person);
  • Creation of telehealth bi-directional training and capacity-building program.

Preference will be given to initiatives that include:

  • A clearly articulated vision to impact global health.
  • A plan to engage faculty from multiple colleges or across multiple departments, divisions or units.
  • Activities that play to MUSC strengths (i.e., where are we uniquely positioned to have impact?)
  • Demonstrated engagement of global partner(s) for collaboration. Priority will be given to applications indicating some external or matching support.
  • Potential for longer-term sustainability beyond the funding period.
  • Engagement of junior faculty, students, and/or other learners.

All applications should include the following components, and must be merged into one PDF.

  1. Application form (PDF)
  2. Letter of support from in-country collaborator (via email or letter) indicating their willingness to co-design the project describing how the potential results could contribute to improved health in the local community
  3. Budget request including itemized list of all proposed costs and budget justification
  4. CV or NIH Biosketch of MUSC and global partner project team members

Please submit application materials to Kathleen Ellis (

Funded projects will be required to undertake the following progress monitoring, reporting and communication activities:

  1. Present a final report detailing activities completed, results, lessons learned, and next steps.
  2. Reference funding support from the MUSC Center for Global Health in any related publications or presentations.
  3. Work with the CGH team to highlight the implementation and impact of the funded project.

Please direct inquiries related to this funding announcement to:

Kathleen Ellis, Executive Director
MUSC Center for Global Health