Learning Beyond the Classroom

African American woman instructing an African American man on a computer


Intellectual enrichment measures the degree to which an individual engages in creative mental activities and pursues Growing intellectually, maintaining curiosity about all there is to learn, valuing lifelong learning, and responding positively to intellectual challenges. An intellectual healthy person uses the resources available to increase their knowledge and skills while sharing them with others.

Characteristics of Intellectual Wellness:

  • Attending Classes
  • Completing assignments
  • Maintaining an adequate amount of sleep
  • Communicating with professors and university staff
  • Attending presentations, lectures, programs offered through the university
  • Exposing yourself to new experiences
  • Maintaining organization skills 

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Evaluate Your Intellectual Well-being – Complete Survey for a Chance to Win an MUSC Promotional Prize

Share your story with us on what you already do that contributes to your nutritional well-being and why it is beneficial to you. At the end of each month, we will draw from the submissions and award multiple MUSC Promotional Prizes (e.g. water bottle, beach towel, yoga mat)!

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Create a Wellness Challenge for the MUSC Student Body

The challenges contained within this program reflect the contributions and efforts of several levels of the university and academic community; however, there are still so many more ways to enhance and optimize well-being in our student body. 

If you have any idea for a challenge, Submit a Wellness Challenge to our ever growing list of ways to live the best lives we can. Your submission will be sent to the Student Wellness Advisory Group for review and if selected, you will receive a MUSC Promotional Prize!

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Use the Center for Academic Excellence or Writing Center

Writing, Learning and Teaching are essential to providing effective care and discovering new ways to improve health.   The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) and the Writing Center at MUSC assists us in multiple ways including:

  • National Board Preparation and Review
  • Individual and group appointments for
    • Learning Styles Assessment
    • Study skills training
    • Test taking strategies
    • Time management skills
  • Supplemental instruction
  • Writing Consultation and Review of
    • Papers
    • Scholarship Applications
    • CV, resume and cover letters
    • Grant Writing

Make an appointment today to take advantage of this very valuable service! 

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University-Wide and College Specific Educational Student Events

students walking on campus

MUSC has vibrant student life offering various opportunities for students to meaningfully engage with each other and the community around them, and provide opportunities for personal, cultural, and professional development. Events are offered from all levels of the enterprise (e.g. university-wide, college-specific, clinical, student organizations, etc.), and sometimes it can be difficult to find out about what is at your disposal.

The Office of Student Engagement maintains a listing of all campus events through Engage. Visit Student Events on Engage today to stay informed on what’s happening on campus!

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MUSC Office of Equity


MUSC embracing diversity and inclusion is a priority. The MUSC Office of Equity leads the university's strategic approach to creating and sustaining a community where students, faculty, staff, patients, families, and visitors are welcomed and feel valued and respected.

Training and Intercultural Education Sessions

The Office of Training and Intercultural Education is committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion education and professional development to ensure every member of the MUSC community develops an appreciation for the richness that our diversity brings and demonstrates a commitment to our culture of inclusion.

Visit their website to learn more about upcoming trainings, events and workshops including the Safe Zone Program at MUSC and NCBI and Diversity and Inclusion Workshops.

Exploring Unconscious Bias Tools and Resources

In addition to a variety of programs and services that are offered annually, the office's website is also home to a variety of diversity, equity, and inclusion online resources. Visit the Unconscious Bias resource page for your opportunity for growth and reflection with the following interactive tools:

  • Unconscious Bias in Academic Medicine
  • Video Implicit Association Test (IAT)
  • Kirwan Institute Training Modules
  • Center for Worklife Law - Identifying and Interrupting Bias in Performance Evaluations
  • WISELI's Searching for Excellence and Diversity Guide

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MUSC Office of Humanities

The health (or medical) humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study in which the arts, humanities, and social sciences are applied to issues of health and health care. Sociology, anthropology, literature, writing, history, ethics, law, and the visual and performing arts all fall under this umbrella.

Through studies in the  health humanities students learn communication, observation, and critical thinking skills associated with better patient experiences and outcomes.

Students and clinicians can also practice self-care to prevent burnout through programs that foster self-awareness, self-expression, and reflection

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MUSC Humanitas

Humanitas 2020 Volume 24 magazine cover, image of light bulb on beach with sunset shining through

Humanitas is a literary journal of the Medical University of South Carolina. It is comprised of works presented by the MUSC community, which includes students, staff, and faculty. Humanitas will be calling ALL members of the MUSC community from all colleges/departments/professions to submit their works of art and literature for the upcoming XXVI volume. Beginning September 1.

For more information

"Applied Compassion and Health” Student Leadership Program

We invite students to earn a certification and  “digital badge” credential through this new version of our program based on the latest research in applied compassion and health.

This program is guided by training received from the Stanford School of Medicine’s Center for Compassion and Altruism in Research and Education (CCARE), whose research in the neuroscience of compassion helps us better understand connections between compassion and health.

Twenty MUSC student scholars will be selected.

Scholars will meet six times in once-a-month Tuesday meetings 5-7pm between September and March (specific dates TBD). Sessions revolve around discussion, reflection, and interactive skills-building.

Students who complete this program will lead the next generation in the art, science, and practice of applied compassion and health. They will be able to:

  •  Summarize evidence related to applied compassion and health, including 
     findings from neuroscience and social psychology research
  •  Apply nonviolent communication skills in personal and professional settings
  •  Lead others in designing compassionate systems using social architecture
     and human-centered design
  •  Define compassion-related concepts including moral elevation, fierce   compassion, common humanity, and post-traumatic growth
  •  Identify validated tools to measure compassion and self-compassion
  •  Identify partnerships within health systems to build compassion   collaboratively
  •  Apply frameworks like trauma-informed care, narrative humility, palliative c   care, and humanized data that facilitate compassion

For more information on the "Applied Compassion and Health” Student Leadership Program, please contact the Director of the Office of Humanities, Dr. Lisa Kerr

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Book being opened and pages fluttering

Story Health

The Office of Humanities now collaborates with several partners to bring reading and writing initiatives to MUSC and the community through the Story Health Program. Students, faculty, and staff across MUSC will participate in an umbrella initiative that collaborates with:

  • Waring Library’s Lecture Series
  • SGA Book Club
  • Patient and Family Centered Care Healthcare Story Workshops
  • CHP and SPSD Septima P. Clark Poetry Contest

Online Story Health Modules will be made available for anyone at MUSC seeking to practice self-care through expressive writing. Contact the Office of Humanities to get involved!

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MUSC IP Elective Courses

It is the intent of the University to encourage the development and offering of interprofessional courses. Interprofessional courses aim to prepare health professionals to be collaboration-ready to engage with people, families, and communities to support the transforming health environment. Courses constructed with this goal in mind are open to students from all colleges. They present opportunities for dialogue and collaboration that focus on effective professional performance in an ever-evolving health care environment. Courses cover a spectrum of topics and a variety of formats including experiential, team-based, online, and hybrid. Topics include health delivery models, prevention, population health, health humanities, team science, and quality of health care and address clinical, community (both urban and rural), and research settings

For complete listing of all IP Elective courses, please visit the list of IP Elective Courses on the MUSC Office of Interprofessional Initiatives website. You can view and/or enroll in current semester IP Classes by clicking on the link at the top of the list page.

CLARION Competition

The CLARION case competition is an annual competition in which students from different disciplines work as four-person teams to research, analyze, conduct a root cause analysis, and form recommendations related to an extensive real-world healthcare case.

MUSC local competition of teams in March (date TBD).

The winning team attends the national CLARION competition in Minnesota in April of each year.

The CLARION competition provides students opportunity to gain a 360-degree perspective on patient safety in today’s health care system and how it might be improved. Students investigate real solutions to real health care problems.

Interested students should contact annandu@musc.edu. We will work with students to form interprofessional teams of 4 students each. Kick-off meetings scheduled for mid-late January will provide all MUSC teams direction and background to prepare for the local competition in March.

All team membership will be finalized by January each year.

Winners of the local MUSC competition will earn (entire prize to be shared by members):

  • 1st place: $3,000 team scholarship, plus a spot in the national competition;
  • 2nd place: $2,000 team scholarship;
  • 3rd place: $1,000 team scholarship.

Winners of the national competition will earn:

  • 1st place: $7,500 team scholarship;
  • 2nd place: $5,000 team scholarship;
  • 3rd place: $2,500 team scholarship

IP Elective Course Credit:

Students can earn course credit by participating in CLARION. Interested students should apply for IP 713: CLARION Case Competition at ip.musc.edu > Applied TeamWork Competency Portfolio > ATC menu.

Program approval is required for participation in elective course.

Want to learn more? Contact annandu@musc.edu.

Local CLARION competition is sponsored by the Student Interprofessional Society (SIPS), the Office of Interprofessional Initiatives, and the MUSC Student Government Association.


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