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Students Memberships & Internships

Membership Types

MUSC residential students are automatically assessed a Wellness Fee each academic term as part of the cost of attendance. Students may use their student ID badges to access the facility and services anytime during operational hours.

Student spouses and dependents (ages 18-26) are eligible to receive a discounted membership rate. The student spouse/dependent rate is $55 per month with a one-time enrollment fee of $35.

MUSC online (web) students who wish to use the facility may pay the web student rate of $150 for a period of 6 months from date of purchase directly at the membership desk.

Visiting students may purchase a discounted monthly guest pass at the front membership desk for $76 per month. Students must present a valid Student ID to receive the discounted rate.

Exercise Science Internship

The MUSC Wellness Center offers Exercise Science interns a valuable learning experience at a medical university dedicated to the promotion of health and fitness. We offer a full-time internship, which requires 360 hours per semester, and a part-time internship with hours depending on the Wellness Center needs and interns’ availability.

Facility Description

The MUSC Wellness Center is a facility dedicated to good health. The center fosters the development of healthy lifestyles through the promotion of wellness attitudes and practices. More than a health club, the MUSC Wellness Center focuses on the development of total well-being, with the belief that wellness is a balance of social, emotional, spiritual and physical health. The Wellness Center is open to the entire community, for adults over 18 years of age.

Internship Application Information

If you are interested in joining us for an internship, please, fill out an application below or mail your resume and cover letter to:

Cindi Day
Clinical Exercise Program Coordinator
Medical University of South Carolina
Harper Student Center
45 Courtenay Drive
P.O. Box 250976
Charleston, SC 29425