Faculty Mentor Travel Grant

MUSC students and faculty pose for a group photo in Haiti

The MUSC Center for Global Health offers international travel grants of up to $2,000 each to MUSC faculty leading groups of MUSC students to low- and middle-income countries for education, research, or service-learning programs. Funds must be used within 12 months from the date of the award. The goal of the awards is to assist recipients in providing mentorship to students in furthering global health research or training projects in low- and middle-income countries. Travel awards cannot be used to support conference attendance.

2024-25 Application Cycle Now Open

  • Application cycle is open
  • Deadline to apply: Friday, Nov. 1, 2024
  • Earliest anticipated notification: Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024

Continue reading to learn more about submission requirements.

Applicants must have primary faculty appointment of assistant professor or above at MUSC. Applicants must not have existing funding that can support the proposed program. Applicant agrees to assume responsibility for assisting the students involved with preparation for travel, activities to be performed at the site, mentoring and safety of the applicant. Prior awardees are eligible, but preference will be given to those who have not received an award in the last 12 months.

1. Proposal. Provide a two-page proposal (Arial font size 11, at least 0.5” margins), which includes the following information and respective headings:

a. A description of the program/project being proposed

b. Outline and timeline of the activities to be undertaken (include a projection of the number and type of students who will participate in the trip)

c. Rationale: Explain the rationale for proposing the program and how it will address furthering students professional development (Include clear explanation of the students’ learning objectives)

d. Description of host institution/partner

e. Background relevant to the proposed project and applicant’s experience with international programs

f. Describe how students will be prepared for the fieldwork experience

g. Describe your mentorship plan

h. Describe the plan for continuity/sustainability of the program, if applicable

i. Advancing global competency skills: Describe relevant cross-cultural learning opportunities students will engage in as part of this program

2. Budget. (Itemization of expenses such as housing, visa, airfare, food, immunizations). Funds may be used for pre-travel immunizations, visa/passport fees, airfare, and room and board related to your global health experience. Funds may not be used to support salary. Travel and accommodation (i.e. amounts, items, class of airfare) must adhere to MUSC’s travel policies.

3. Letter of Invitation from Host or Partnering Institution. A letter of support from that organization should be submitted with the application. The letter should explicitly describe the support the host organization will provide for the proposed project and the person in the organization who is the main point of contact for the project. If there is no collaborating institution provide justification for how goals can be accomplished in lieu of in country collaborator.

4. Letter of Support from MUSC Student(s). Applicants can provide a letter of support from an MUSC student. The student should discuss the applicant’s potential and preparedness to lead the proposed project, and describe ways in which the applicant has mentored past and current students.

5. Current CV/Resume

Submission Format
Please combine all required elements from 1– 5 into a single PDF document and submit via email to Kathleen Ellis at ellisk@musc.edu. PDF file name should include applicant name and project title.

Projects will be evaluated across a number of criteria, including the following:

Does the project engage students in immersive service and/or research opportunities that allow them to learn and grow and also make tangible contributions to the communities with which they volunteer?

Does the project hold the promise of sustainable partnerships with community-based organizations?

Do faculty sponsors already possess experience and extensive networks at the proposed location?

Does the proposal identify solid learning outcomes for students?

Does the project engage inter-professional teams?

Is there a sustainable connection and consistency between MUSC and the site?

How many students will be directly mentored by the applicant?

Funds must be used within 12 months of award date.

The award will be made as a single funds transfer to the applicant’s department(s). Funds will be transferred to the department’s business manager 2-3 weeks after award notification. Recipients should contact their business manager to access funds.

Travel must be in compliance with MUSC’s international travel policy. The award of a travel grant does not replace any requirements pursuant to those travel policies.

All travel and financial expenditures and reporting carried out under this grant must comply with MUSC’s finance and administration regulations and procedures (e.g., established MUSC per diem rates)

Faculty member recipients of the award are expected to work with the Center for Global Health to host and deliver a presentation on campus no later than 3 months after returning to MUSC.

Recipients must submit a reflection statement and photos no later than 3 months after returning to MUSC, and agree to allow the CGH the rights to use for publicity and educational purposes. Please assure that human subjects in photos give permission for their image to be captured and disseminated.

Agree to reference the support of the CGH in any subsequent publicity.

Failure to comply with the award requirements may result in revocation of funds.


Please direct inquiries related to this funding announcement to:

Kathleen Ellis, Executive Director
MUSC Center for Global Health