Global Health Faculty Pilot Research Grant

Dr Patty Coker Bolt treating Ethiopian patients with cerebral palsy

The MUSC Center for Global Health helps catalyze ideas into action by providing seed grants up to $20,000 to faculty to help them get their research projects off the ground and advance scientific discoveries in low- and middle-income countries.

Since 2013, MUSC has been providing funding to early-stage research projects in global health with our annual Global Health Pilot Grants to catalyze new initiatives and build bridges between disciplines.  

Through this program, the Center for Global Health helps MUSC faculty from every college build and expand global partnerships with leading universities, government agencies, and community and non-governmental organizations.  

Over $18 million in external funding generated from 28 Center for Global Health sponsored research projects.

Grant Application Details

Learn more about applying for the Global Health Faculty Pilot Research Grant.

Previous Grant Awardees

Explore some of the global health research projects from our prior awardees: