View of the urban farm and surrounding buildings

Organizational Leadership


President's Council

Chair: Dr. David J. Cole
Role: Decision-making
Purpose: Executive Authority

MUSC Enterprise Leadership Council

Chair: Dr. David J. Cole
Role: Advisory
Purpose: Enterprise-wide advisory council to Executive leadership.

University Medical Associates of the Medical University of South Carolina (d/b/a MUSC Physicians) Executive

Chair: Dr. Jonathan Edwards
Role: UMA President
Purpose: Manage the business and affairs of MUSC Physicians; actions are reported to the MUSC Physicians Board of Directors at quarterly Board meetings.

Strategic Advisory Team

Chair: Dr. David J. Cole
Role: Advisory
Purpose: Provide oversight, guidance, and accountability for implementation of OneMUSC, the enterprise-wide strategic plan.

CFO Council

Chair: Stewart Mixon
Role: Advisory & Decision-making
Purpose: Recommend and prioritize initiatives related to enterprise financial systems and practices across campus.

Collaboration/Integration Council

Chairs: Dr. Patrick J. Cawley & Stewart Mixon
Role: Advisory
Purpose: Identify and recommend to President's Council opportunities for integration/collaboration.

Communications & Marketing/Information Solutions Council

Chair: Dr. Patrick J. Cawley
Role: Advisory
Purpose: Merges CMG and IS Governance Councils. Unify communications and marketing across MUSC; promote internal and external communication/marketing.

Executive Leadership Council, MUSC Health

Chair: Dr. Patrick J. Cawley
Role: Advisory & Decision-making
Purpose: MUSC Health Executive Committee

Faculty Senate

Chair: Dr. Bethany Wolf
Role: Advisory & Decision-making
Purpose: Representative body of the faculty, to receive, organize, and if deemed appropriate, execute business of the faculty.

Provost's Council

Chair: Dr. Lisa K. Saladin
Role: Advisory & Decision-making
Purpose: Administration and strategic direction of the academic enterprise.

University Research Council

Chair: Dr. Lori L. McMahon
Role: Advisory & Decision-making
Purpose: Recommend and prioritize initiatives and mechanisms to maximize the research mission of the institution.