2020 MUSC Service Awards

Thank you to all the 2020 MUSC Service Award Honorees for your service to the MUSC Enterprise and to the lives we touch. MUSC established the service awards to celebrate the MUSC family and recognize their longevity of service. Longevity is important and one of MUSC’s greatest strengths. It allows us to pass down our best traditions, best practices and our five institutional values-compassion, respect, innovation, collaboration and integrity. Our 2020 MUSC Service Award recipients have committed a big part of their lives to these values and to MUSC. They have provided the continuity which is the key to our current success. Thank you for your service and congratulations on reaching your new MUSC service milestone.

"On a day when we celebrate your incredible service, I thank you for your achievements and your tireless commitment."- Dr. David J Cole, President, MUSC

Please review the 2020 MUSC Health Service Award Honoree List (PDF), the 2020 MUSC Physician Service Award Honoree List (PDF) and the 2020 MUSC University Service Award Honorees List (PDF). These lists include the names of the MUSC employees being recognized this year with 10, 20, 30, and 40 years of service. You can also view the 2020 MUSC Service Awards Postcard (PDF) sent to the honorees.

Honoree Mailing Information

Due to COVID-19, the 10 & 20-year Honorees Milestone Award will be mailed to their home address. Please contact Monique Robinson if you do not receive your award by Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Arrangements will be made for the 30 & 40-year Honorees to receive their Milestone Awards.­­

Quick Facts on the 2020 Service Award Honorees

  • 555 MUSC employees are being recognized with a service award this year.
  • 373 Honorees have 10 years of service with MUSC.
  • 122 Honorees have 20 years of service with MUSC.
  • 55 Honorees have 30 years of service with MUSC.
  • 5 Honorees have 40 years of service with MUSC.
  • The 2020 Service Award Honorees have worked 6,822,400 cumulative manhours and 166,920 weeks.
  • This year's Honorees also have 3,210 cumulative years of service.

MUSC Campus Over Time

MUSC Aerial View 1984

Aerial view of MUSC Campus in 1984.

MUSC Campus Aerial view January2010

Aerial view of MUSC Campus in 2010.

Exterior of Ashley River Tower and the Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital and Pearl Tourville Women's Pavilion as shot from remote piloted drone

MUSC Campus with Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital in 2019.