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International Student Association Sponsors Research Day Awards

Center for Global Health
August 29, 2022
ISA Logo

The MUSC International Student Association (ISA) is committed to volunteerism and engaging with our diverse community at MUSC. As a minority student affinity group, they have a commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.

As part of the College of Graduate Studies Annual Perry V. Halushka Research Day on Friday, November 4th, the ISA will be sponsoring three monetary awards to participants whose projects support the aims of the association. Research Day provides an opportunity for the MUSC community to present their research findings, practice presentation skills, and gain valuable feedback. 

“Alleviating Disparities in Healthcare” Award

ISA supports initiatives that aim to reduce disparities across ethnic groups. The group hosts annual bone marrow drives in collaboration with Be The Match to increase the number of donors on the national registry, as successful hematopoietic stem cell transplantation requires ethnically matched donors. This award will recognize work focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and health disparities at MUSC and will be presented to a student from any of our six colleges.

The project should focus on at least one of the following research areas:

  • Research aiming to reduce health disparities across ethnic, racial, and/or underserved groups
  • Identifying disease states whereby health disparity is predominant
  • Development of treatment modalities providing effective therapies, irrespective of ethnic background
  • Strategies to encourage the participation of minorities in national/international registries and/or ongoing studies

“Excellence Beyond Boundaries” Awards

Two awards will acknowledge outstanding international participants working on projects that demonstrate a rigorous scientific approach. Any international researcher is eligible, noting that at least one of two awardees will be a student from one of the six colleges.

All three winners will be announced during the Perry Halushka Research Day Awards Ceremony and will receive a certificate of recognition as well as an award of $300 from the ISA and the MUSC Center For Global Health.

To submit a Research Day abstract, please review the College of Graduate Studies submission instructions.

Submission Deadline: September 9, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. EST