MUSC researchers to discuss COVID-19 during TEDxCharleston presentation

June 22, 2020
head shots of Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Nadig
Drs. Michael Schmidt and Satish Nadig will talk about the novel coronavirus pandemic during a TEDxCharleston Zoom panel discussion.

Two Medical University of South Carolina researchers will talk about the coronavirus pandemic in the Lowcountry during a virtual TEDxCharleston discussion that is free and open to all. 

Michael Schmidt, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology with a particular interest in reducing health care associated infections, pandemic flu preparations and disaster preparedness.

Satish Nadig, M.D., D.Phil., is a transplant surgeon who also researches ways to refine immunosuppression in organ transplants and led MUSC’s effort to develop an antibody test for the novel coronavirus.

They’ll be talking with The Post and Courier investigative reporter Tony Bartelme during the June 30 event.

Sewell Kahn, M.D., is co-leader of the speaker coaching team at TEDxCharleston and has been leading the effort to present this virtual discussion.

TEDxCharleston’s regular annual conference, scheduled for April 1, had to be canceled due to the pandemic. But the organizers wanted to do something for the community, and this topic is, of course, timely for all. TEDxCharleston plans to hold additional virtual discussions, likely on other topics, in the coming months.

Kahn said the session will begin with each researcher giving a brief rundown of his involvement, then Bartelme will pose questions. They’ll try to keep the session upbeat, highlighting some of the good news coming out, while also talking about how life will likely change as we open up, what people should be doing and the prospects for a vaccine. There will then be 15 minutes allocated for the virtual audience’s questions.

Anyone interested can find out more through the TEDxCharleston Facebook page.

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