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Reports & Crime Statistics

The Daily Crime Log consists of all crimes reported to the Department of Public Safety and is recorded within two business days of the reporting of the information. The log lists the nature of the crime, date of report, the date, time of occurrence and general location, as well as the disposition of the complaint, if known..

Daily Crime Log locations include the areas that meet the definitions of the main campus, on public property within or immediately adjacent to the main campus, or in or on non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the institution. For the purposes of maintaining a daily crime log as required under § 668.46(f), Clery Geography would be defined to also include, but not limited to areas within the patrol jurisdiction of the Department of Public Safety.

The patrol jurisdiction is any property that does not meet any of the Clery geographic area definitions, but which is generally provided with law enforcement or security patrol services by the MUSC DPS.

An administrative designation of “active”, “administratively (admin) closed”, “cleared by arrest”, “exceptionally cleared”, or “unfounded” shall be assigned to each case, as appropriate, to assist in case management and control.

  • Active - (open) - indicates that the case is assigned to an officer and investigative efforts are active and ongoing.
  • Cleared by Arrest - (closed) - indicates the case has been cleared by the arrest of at least one offender.
  • Exceptionally Cleared - (closed) - indicates the case has been cleared due to the death of the offender, no prosecution, extradition denied, victim declines to cooperate or juvenile - no custody.
  • Unfounded - indicates that the alleged offense did not occur. A crime is considered unfounded for Clery Act purposes only if sworn or commissioned law enforcement personnel make a determination that the report is false or baseless.
  • Administratively Closed - the case is suspended until further investigative leads are developed or other information leading to possible solutions of the crime surfaces.

Entries or updates to the log may be withheld if the information is protected by statute, or if there is a danger to the victim’s safety, or if there is a need to keep the investigation confidential. If there is reason to believe the release of information will result in the perpetrator fleeing the area, or that evidence will be destroyed, the information also may be withheld until the jeopardy no longer exists..

MUSC will protect the confidentiality of victims and other necessary parties associated with reports of Sexual Assaults, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking. All publicly available record keeping by the University and the Department of Public Safety will be maintained without the inclusion of personally identifiable information of the victim. As such, MUSC DPS must withhold any information from the Daily Crime Log that may lead to the victim’s identity.

The Daily Crime Log is available free of charge to the public and may be inspected at the MUSC DPS building during normal business hours for the most recent 60-day period. Data older than 60 days will be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

A printed copy of the Daily Crime Log is maintained by the MUSC DPS Records Office and is made available free of charge for public viewing upon request during normal business hours at the MUSC Department of Public Safety, 101 Jonathan Lucas Street, MSC 859, Charleston, SC 29425. The MUSC Department of Public Safety also maintains an online Daily Crime Log detailing crime reports, which is available at the top of this page. 

Crime Statistics by Entity

Public Safety reports statistical and other crime related information by entity (MUSC & MUHA) to internal and external agencies, as well as the public.