I am an MUSC Innovator

This is the lightbulb representing the I am an MUSC Innovator Award

The “I am an MUSC Innovator” campaign is designed to raise awareness of the many forms that innovation can take, to inspire others and to publicly recognize individuals and teams that are making an impact. 

Each quarter, the campaign showcases innovative educators, researchers, care team members, and service team members that have been nominated for their innovation impact.

Nomination Process

Nominations are solicited by and submitted to the Chief Innovation Officer and evaluated based on the merits of the innovation, including potential impact, and unique factors which contributed to the innovation. Nominations are solicited on a quarterly basis but may be submitted for consideration at any time.

Fill out and submit a nomination.

Award Criteria

To be eligible for the I am an MUSC Innovator campaign, the individual must meet the following criteria.

  • Must be employed by MUSC or attend MUSC as a student;

  • Recognized within the organization for creation of an idea, product or process which can solve a problem or create a new opportunity;

  • Recognized as collaborative, respectful, adaptive to change and committed to quality care.

The individuals or teams that are finalists in the Shark Tank Competition during Innovation Week are also recognized. Up to 6 individuals/teams are selected each cycle.

Recipients receive a lanyard and crystal trophy. Notice of their award is also published in the Catalyst, various department newsletters, and on the MUSC Innovation Website.

The Office of Innovation is proud to recognize the following teams as recipients of the “I am an MUSC Innovator” award for their Innovation Month winning pitches. 

Quality Pitch Session
Winner: The Flipper (Pee Dee Division)
Team: Becky Young, Roxie Smallwood, April Currie, Miranda Yarborough, Allain Dayao

Service Pitch Session
Winner: Using AI to Improve Content Development (Charleston Division)
Team: Kelly Perritt, Kati Van Aernum, Kimberly Mccollum

Finance Pitch Session
Winner: Vector Merging Enhancements (Charleston Division)
Team: Baley Ganger, Jennifer Wright, Melinda Crosby, Greg Bellamy, Mary Riddle, Thuy Tran, M.D., Bettina Pressley, Cheryl Soles, Cheryl Lewis, Kara Simpson, Jared Blevins, Todd Leach, Kayla James, Katie King, M.D.

People Pitch Session
Winner: The Learning Library (Charleston Division)
Team: Amanda Lilienthal, Shannon Ravenel, Ashley Bode

Growth Pitch Session
Winner: Leveraging Virtual Triage Technology to Transform the Practice of Emergency Medicine(Charleston Division)
Team: Marc Bartman, M.D.; Morsal Tahouni, M.D.; Jeanhyong Park, M.D.; James McElligott, M.D.; Emily Warr, R.N.

Previous Awardees:

Kate Ague-Kneeland, Michael Aiken, Jamie Allen, Prince Anand, Diane Andrews, Peggy Angel, Carl Atkinson, Kim Bailey, Bashar Badran, Lizzie Baer, Kim Balaguer, Kimberly Bailey, Eric Barbarite, Jessica Barley, Corey Bass, Hunter Bazaco, Carolyn Bell, Breezy Bernheisel, Craig Beeson, Brett Berman, Susan Bishop, Julia Black, Carolyn Bondarenka, Heather Bonilha, Jonathan Boone, Jeff Borckardt, Christi Bourne, Scott Bragg, Christian Brenes Vegas, Scott Broome, Portia Brown, Susan Brown, Jan Buffington, Jessica Bullington, Chris Bunt, Willette Burnham-Williams, Madison Bynum, Janet Byrne, Amanda Cameron, Cristine Candland, Colleen Cannon, Shana Caporossi, Franco Cardillo, Adrian Carlson, Steve Carroll, Melanie Cason, Kelly Cauthen, Layne Cave, Sherine Chan, Jessica Chandler, Ronnie Chatterjee, C. James Chou, Lori Clekis, Colleen Cotton, Dusti Annan Coultas, Andrea Coyle, Dee Crawford, Craig Crosson, Benita Curnell, Kimberly Curry, Scott Curry, Jennifer Dahne, Marvetta Daniels, Dan Darling, Tatiana Davidson, Amanda Davis, Jesse Dean, Michael de Arellano, Sarah de Barros, Ellen Debenham, Angela Dempsey, Vanessa Diaz, Lauren Dickerson, Dave Dolan, Carolyn Donohue, Richard Drake, Aulbrey DrisaldiDerek DubaySteve Duncan, Faith Dunn, Traci Dunn, Catherine O. Durham, Alice Edwards, Jonathan Edwards, Katlyn Elderman, Joli Fermo, Mitzi Fetner, Camille Filoromo, Christian Finetto, Kristina Fioretti, DaNine J. Fleming, Tammy Flovin, Patrick Flume, Jesse Flynn, Jordan Flynn, Rhonda Flynn, Dee Ford, Marvella Ford, Morgan Ford, Sandra Fox,Joseph Fraser, Chris Friendly, Heather Galang, Kelli Garrison, Jessica Giblin, Amanda Giles, Meghan Glanville, Elizabeth Glover, Andrew Goodwin, Phillip Griggs, Brandon Grimes, David Habib, Chris Hairfield, Anthony Hale, Katie Hale, Greg Hall, Katherine Haltiwager, Julie Ham, Cheryl Hamill, Cyreano Hamoy, Kristine Harper, Daniela Harris, Patti Hart, Jillian Harvey, Mickey Haryanto, Michael Haschker, Marilyn Hauser, Carlton Hawkes, Patsy Hawkins, Tonya Hazelton, Debra Hazen-Martin, Matthew Hebbard, Pam Helms, Nancy Hendry, Edie Hering, Keia Hewitt, Kirstie Hewson, Morgan Hill, Julie Hirschhorn, Sabrina Holloway Shalonda Holmes, Christine Holmstedt, Melissa Hortman, Meredith Horwatt, Kelly Howard, Sharlena Howard, Ashley Hudson, Michelle Hudspeth, Christy Huggins, Inda Humes, Andy Irwin, Mitchell J. Isaac, Amanda James, Marilyn James, Sylvia Jang, Bernie Jansen, Sheila Janikowski, Dorothea Jenkins, Patricia Jenkins, Cody Johnson, Lathrum Johnson, Natalie Johnson, Bonnie Jones, Brittany Jones, Jami Jones, Tenelle Jones, Kasey Jordan, Stephen Kalhorn, Stephanie Kapets, Christiana Kappler, Kimberly Kascak, Georgia Keith, Jennifer Kelly, Donna Kern, Charlotte Kerr, Lisa Kerr, Edward Kilb, Joshua Kim, Katie King, Sharon L. Kozachik, Cindy Kramer, Kapri Kreps, Steven W. Kubalak, Jennie H. Kwon, Christine Larson, Kinon Lecholop, Dustin LeBlanc, Evelyn LeBron-Cooper, Les Lenert, Amanda Lilienthal, Ray Liu, Lindsay Loewer, Aundrea Loftley, Emily Lynn, Audrey Mack, Angela Mackey, David Mahvi, Angela Malphrus, Roldan Mandane, Coleen Martin, Mary Mauldin, Jay McCarley, Anand Mehta, Shikhar Mehrotra, Karen Melanson, Cami Meyer, Kimberly McClure, Jimmy McElligott, Heather McGhee, Stephanie K. McGowan, Betsy McMillan, Vivian McMillian, Jeff McMurray, Courtney McNeil, Cheryl McWilliams, William Meggett, Ted A. Meyer, Michael Miller, Sherry Miller, Emily Mills, Erik Modrzynski, Melissa Montiel, Satish Nadig, David Napier, Kezhia Newman, James Ngoyi, Jenny Nguyen, Rachel Nichols, Rebecca Nickell, Rick Nolte, Andrew Novak, Ed O’Bryan, Dan O'Donnell, Casey O'Neill, Krishna Patel, Phayvanh Pecha, Katya Peka, Dianna Pelay, Lindley Pennekamp, Scott Person, Yuri Peterson, Brad Petkovich, Achsah Philip, Shannon Phillips, Royal M. Pipaliya, Iggy Pla, Marty Player, Leah Plumblee, Matt Price, Suparna Qanungo, T. Konrad Rajab, Leah Ramos, Anita Ramsetty, Mallory J. Raymond, Gabrielle Redding, Scott Reeves, Wally Renne, Alyssa Rheingold, Chad Richardson, Leigh Ridings, Sheila Riser, Ranada Rivers, Fabio Rizzante Elisabeth Rochel, Ben Rogers, Beth Romaine, Justin Roselli, Erika Rowell, M. Andrew Rowley, Kenneth Ruggiero, Joe Ruscito, Jodie Rush, Charlie Sander, Alexzandrea Sanders, Sarah Screws, Gretchen Seif, Na Jin Seo, Beju Shah, Leanne Shattuck, Curry Sherard, Chelsea Shope, Annie Simpson, Kara Simpson, Myra Haney Singleton, Morgan Sires, Nora Siwarski, Savannah Skidmore, Harris Slone, Roxie Smallwood, Eric Smathers, Amy Smith, Brielle Smith, Keenen Smith, Lindsay Smith, Mary Smith, Kevin Smuniewski, Alan Snyder, Saddie Sofia, Courtney Soll, Aroo Isadas Sonekar, Jessica Southern, Michelle Spiegel, Alex Spiotta, William Stalvey, Patterson Stiles, Paula Sutton, Michael Sweat, Christine Talbot-Bond, Amy Bandy Taylor, Barbara Taylor, Stephanie Taylor, Michelle Thompson, Jonathan Tindell, Quenton Tompkins, Sahar Torabi, Paula Traktman, Clare Tyson, Manuel Valderbran, Shawn Valenta, Michelle Vandermaas, Joe Vuthiganon, Preston Walker, Jason Wall, Tasia Walsh, Antwan Walters, Emily Warr, Richard Warrin, Lynn Waters, Linda S. Weglicki, Brandon Welch, Natalie Wessels, Kendra West, Tisa Whack, Stephanie Whitener, Joe Whitlock, Michelle Wiles, Amy Williams, Renee Wilson, Allison Wood, Bryan Wood, Michelle Woodbury, Shane Woolf, John Wrangle, Jonathan Yantis, Mike Yost, Johan Zamoscianyk, Peter Zwerner, the Clinical Education team, the Telehealth Technology Team and the COVID-19 Center/Anesthesia Team and the Institutional Advancement Team