Two employees, student celebrated for building bridges, achievements at MUSC

Jenna Lief
April 19, 2019
Malikah Christie, Dr. Myra Haney Singleton, Leah Ramos, Marsha Higgins
Earl B. Higgins Leadership in Diversity Award winners, from left: Malikah Christie (student), Dr. Myra Haney Singleton (University), Leah Ramos (MUSC Health) and Marsha Higgins (sister of the late Dr. Earl B. Higgins). Photo by Anne Thompson

MUSC recognized Myra Haney Singleton, Ed.D.; third-year dental student Malikah Christie; and Leah Ramos, R.N., with the 2019 Earl B Higgins Leadership in Diversity Awards. Marking its 24th year, the awards presentation took place at Wickliffe House on April 3.

Established in 1996, this award ceremony is a tribute to Earl B. Higgins, a man known for his work as director for Affirmative Action and Minority Affairs. It is a celebration of those who, like Higgins, are admirable leaders that promote diversity and inclusion and represent today’s dialogue for equity and equality. Higgins aimed to create an environment at MUSC that was welcoming for all, and in his time at the Medical University, Higgins worked in recruitment, seeking to enrich its programs with diverse students, faculty and staff. The Earl B. Higgins awards honor those following in his footsteps.

Dr. Lisa Saladin, Dr. Willette Burnham-Williams and Lenore Pearlstein 
Also during the event, MUSC Provost Dr. Lisa Saladin and University Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Willette Burnham-Williams received the HEED Award from Insight Into Diversity Magazine's Lenore Pearlstein. Photo by Anne Thompson

Aiming to celebrate the ever-changing legacy of inclusion and engagement at the Medical University, the award selection committee recently expanded the ceremony so that it not only celebrates one outstanding university employee, but also exemplary members from the university student body and MUSC Health as well.

Lisa K. Saladin, PT, Ph.D., and executive vice president of Academic Affairs and provost, commended the winners from each category on the positive role models they are and their continuation of Higgins' work.

“We applaud this year’s recipients for their efforts to break down barriers and create the culture of inclusion and diversity that makes MUSC an environment that welcomes everybody. They share our goal of ensuring that everyone who walks through the hospital doors feels the same – accepted and equal across all aspects of what we do, and that they will leave here with that same feeling.”

Myra Haney Singleton – University Leadership Award Recipient

Myra Haney Singleton is the associate dean for Student Affairs and Student Wellness in the College of Medicine. Following her graduation from the University of South Carolina, receiving her master’s degrees from The Citadel and doctorate from Walden University, Singleton assumed several leadership roles at the Medical University. Here, she has been heavily involved in both the creation and implementation of many College of Medicine pipeline programs. In addition, Singleton has worked to expand the academic support systems and retention initiatives in the Group on Student Affairs, enhancing the medical education experience. She also has been an engaged collaborator in the admissions process and recruitment efforts. Singleton was an invited presenter at the Association of American Medical Colleges national meeting, where she shared how the College of Medicine has become a national leader in the matriculation of African American males. Highly successful pipeline programs that include A Gentleman and A Scholar Mentoring Program and the Post-baccalaureate Reapplication Education Program have earned the college and Singleton positive recognition for these types of forward-thinking efforts.

Singleton was nominated by Michael de Arellano, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and senior associate dean for diversity in the College of Medicine.

“I can say without a doubt Singleton’s work is invaluable for enriching the diversity throughout the College of Medicine. She has been a contributor to and a developer of the refinement of many of our highly successful pipeline programs. But most importantly, she’s an advisor, she’s a counselor, and she’s a friend to our students. Singleton has touched the lives of many of us, not just within the College of Medicine, but throughout the MUSC community.”

Her colleagues and students agree that Singleton’s commitment to the advancement of campus diversity and inclusion has helped to keep Earl B. Higgins legacy alive, making her especially deserving of the award.

Malikah Christie – Student Leadership Award Recipient

Malikah Christie graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and is currently completing her third year of training in the College of Dental Medicine. Apart from her hard work in her studies that earned her a spot on the dean’s list, Christie enjoys helping her community, chiefly underrepresented minority communities. She has also taken advantage of her enrollment at the Medical University by involving herself in multiple organizations. Christie is a member of the Student Diversity and Inclusion Council, the American Academy of Developmental Dentistry, the Students Creating Relationships and Uprooting Barriers Advisory Board and president of the Student National Dental Association.

She was nominated by Pearl Givens, student services coordinator at the College of Dental Medicine.

“I am extremely pleased to endorse Malikah Christie. She has impacted diversity at MUSC and improved our relationships with our community through many ways but particularly through community involvement and the nurturing of current students. She has definitely had an impact on our diversity and inclusion for the future.”

Through her involvement in both her community and within MUSC, Christie stands out on many levels, she added, describing her as a warrior like Earl B. Higgins for diversity at the Medical University.

Leah Ramos – Health Award Recipient

Leah Ramos has more than twenty years of nursing experience and is the nursing director for Neuroscience, Speciality Surgery and Spine and the Heart and Vascular Integrated Centers of Clinical Excellence at MUSC. Through this position, which she has held for the past several years, Ramos has implemented education initiatives and organizational and clinical policies and encouraged team building. Ramos also has been the recipient of multiple significant awards to date including Nurse of the Year, Nurse Manager of the Year, Palmetto Gold Award, South Carolina League of Nursing Excellence Award and American Association of Critical Care Nurses Circle Excellence Award.

She was nominated by Patricia Hart, DNP, associate chief nursing officer for inpatient and ambulatory services.

“It is a pleasure to work with Leah Ramos. She has identified many areas of opportunity within our organization, and she is the driving force for the transformation of our culture and diversity to embrace differences and to appreciate how that enhances our team. She has honed the skill of influencing others in this way, and she has made it a priority to create relationships and work environments to ultimately improve staff engagement and patient outcomes.”

Ramos’ valuable work enables MUSC to fulfill Earl B. Higgins’s vision and allows her not only to add an important award to her impressive collection but also the knowledge that she has made an important difference at MUSC.