New photos show storm's impact at MUSC

September 13, 2017
Public safety officers pull employee through floodwater
MUSC public safety officers escort a boat across a flooded street during Tropical Storm Irma. The National Guard helped the campus weather the storm as well.

Life is getting back to normal at the Medical University of South Carolina now that Tropical Storm Irma has swirled out of town, but she definitely left her mark. At one point, boats and fish floated through some streets around MUSC Medical Center and MUSC Children’s Health, the result of rising water that led to a flash flood emergency warning. MUSC leaders carefully prepared for the storm, working to ensure patients were safe.

When water got so deep that it was no longer safe to walk or drive around campus, MUSC public safety and state security officers were there to help. During one of the team’s many trips back and forth between University Hospital and Ashley River Tower, officers pulled a small boat carrying an employee across campus. Also assisting were the MUSC Grounds Department and people from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, which loaned the johnboat to MUSC. National Guard soldiers helped out as well, offering a high-wheeled cargo truck to help employees to get to their cars after work.