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Safe Zone Program at MUSC

                                                                                                          Safe Zone

A Safe Zone is a place where one can feel free to talk about being marginalized on the basis of their real or perceived sexual or gender orientation without fear of criticism or hatred. The MUSC Safe Zone Program symbol signifies a safe place to discuss issues that impact people who are marginalized on the basis of their real or perceived sexual or gender orientation and provides information on available resources. It is a place where one can feel supported, affirmed, and valued, not judged. The purpose is not only to say that you know, but asking yourself if you are willing to serve in an advocacy capacity for campus affiliates.

Why is Safe Zone important to health care providers? The Safe Zone Program adds an educational component to the scope of growing resources the Office of Equity offers the MUSC community an increased sensitivity toward, knowledge of, and support for marginalized populations and issues that affect them.

The Office of Equity is proud to provide the Safe Zone Program in support of our Standards of Professional Behavior.(PDF)

The members of the Advisory Council, Safe Zone Program, trainers, and allies are a team of MUSC's interdisciplinary students, staff, and faculty and community constituents who are committed to increasing awareness and acceptance of people who are marginalized on the basis of their real or perceived sexual or gender orientation. We provide education, training, and support related to diverse issues in order to increase knowledge of the variety of sexual and gender identity.

Welcome to the Safe Zone!